The measure filed by Makabayan lawmakers led by ACT Teachers Rep. France Castro. House Bill 1769, seeking to amend Revised Penal Code and decriminalize libel, was hailed on Sunday by the Publishers Association of the Philippines, Inc (PAPI).

Juan P. Dayang, Chairman Emiretus and Chairman of the recently-held Local Press Assembly 2022 which sought the decriminalization of libel, hailed the measure as “a meaningful pursuit of the Press freedom.”

Dayang said the criminal provision, under Revised Code, is no longer relevant in the exercise of fuller Press Freedom.

Veteran broadcaster Rey Langit, chairman of the Boracay Global Press Corps, Inc. (BGPCI) and Community Newspaper Publisher Joseph Punay, vice president of the Federation of Provincial Press Clubs of the Philippines. Inc. (FPPCPI) also lauded the measure as “long felt need to liberate free expression from restraints and threats.”