An outlay of some P229.5 million in the next five years is contemplated to support research and development (R&D) that will explore fragrances and flavors from forest products.
Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) Director Romulo Aggangan, said the will “embark on exploring and utilizing non-timber and timber forest products, by conducting and producing R&D innovations and products.”
Aggangan said their goals include the development of flavors and fragrances from forest products, establishment of R&D facilities, and development of protocols for sustainable and responsible harvesting of these forest products for flavors and fragrances.
He said sensory and chemical evaluation of non-timber products, socio-economic study, and technology piloting and adoption are also in the pipeline.
“Among the forest species to be studied are the Philippine cinnamons, eucalyptus, Canarium species, selected species from the families of Myrtaceae and Fabaceae, and some fruit trees and agroforestry crops that have potentials for flavors and fragrances,” the FPRDI official said.
Aggangan shared that studies on propagation techniques and proper harvesting of barks, leaves and other plant parts to ensure the sustainable supply of raw materials, will be part of their program designated as “Fragrances and Flavors from the Forest Technology Program” (F3TP).
The program, he said is currently exploring potential healthcare and aromatherapy products such as essential oils, salves, bar and liquid hand soaps, spray mist, massage oils, foot deodorants, lotions using extracted cinnamon oils and hydrosol.
He said FPRDI has also started developing teas, flavor-infused beverages and confectioneries using bamboo and cinnamon flavors.
“To achieve the above targets, the proposed budget of F3TP for the next five years or 2022-2026 totals to P229.5 million,” he continued, adding that upgrading the Institute’s R&D facility and capacitating its researchers will be prioritized in the next two years.
Aggangan shared that based on market research firm, Lucintel, the flavor and fragrance market is expected to reach an estimated US$35.7 billion by 2025.
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Secretary Fortunato de la Peña, for his part, said in a taped report that the flavor and fragrances industry “is one of the very profitable niche markets,” validating Lucintel’s projection.
“Both timber and non-timber forest products provide a multitude of flavors and fragrances. Among these include gums, resins and oils which are commercially important; and non-timber forest products and tannins which can also be extracted from barks, leaves and wood and re-used to enhance flavors of beverages like wine, beer, fruit juice and teas,” de la Peña said.