Nomad vlog page promotes Pangasinan tourism

CALASIAO, Pangasinan – Before vlogging and Tiktok took center stage, The Pangasinan Nomad page was the primary source of information on where and what to explore in  Pangasinan.

With over 24,000 followers at present, the Pangasinan Nomad is the personal blog page of Rodolfo Manandeg Jr. of Calasiao, Pangasinan.

Manandeg through his page has been visiting and sharing honest reviews and significant details of the unexplored tourist attractions in the province since 2018.

“It all started in 2018 when my friends asked me to make a Facebook page and write my personal experience on the places I visited in Pangasinan since they usually ask me which beaches or resorts in the province they should go to and where the best restaurants in the province are, where they could eat, so I could also share it to other people,” he said.

At first, it was just a personal vlog of his experiences but as he further explored the province, he discovered that there are more beautiful places that are not given much attention or need more promotion.

“I am not doing it for myself but for my province because I really want to share how beautiful our province is and help boost our tourism, so more Pangasinenses will get jobs like the bangkeros and local tour guides,” Manandeg said.

He said he is not after the recognition or award but is just enjoying his craft. He admitted he was hindered at first by lack of transportation.

“It was really difficult to go to these places since these are secluded and unexplored areas, so I tapped my friends who have motorcycles to join me just to see the places,” he said, adding that he happy to know that more Pangasinenses are being inspired by his page to explore their province.

“More beaches and mountains are being discovered. And I am happy to help local businesses,” Manandeg said, adding he chose Pangasinan Nomad as his page’s name since he usually goes from one place to another, enjoying camping or staying with friends.

His signature look shows him wearing a straw hat or fedora and more often than not travels by himself. On some occasions, he is joined by either his sister or some friends.

The blogger’s ultimate favorites are the beaches in Agno and Bani towns such as the Bangol Crags, Abagatanen Beach, Lacguit Beach, Barsak Beach and Masangret Beach. (PNA)