Joint Rewards Committee Meeting on Extraction of Oil from Marijuana in Aid of Policy Enhancement.

Scientist/Inventor Richard Nixon Gomez and his son, fellow inventor Rigel Gomez, shared their knowledge and expertise in science and technology. During a Joint Committee hearing at the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), the Gomezโ€™s presented methodologies on the extraction of oil from cannabis plant. This discussion was done in aid of policy enhancement for the countryโ€™s anti-illegal drug campaign.

The discussion centered on some crude or cottage-industry level processes used by those who manufacture cannabis oil. The operation of clandestine laboratories doing conversion of cannabis oil from cannabis plant was thoroughly discussed. Some materials and equipment presented include household items or those that can be bought from supermarkets.

This knowledge is essential so that our law enforcers will be better equipped in determining possible less obvious methods used by criminals. Also discussed are laboratory validation and testing techniques for cannabis.

BauerTek Pharmaceutical Technologies is an FDA approved manufacturing facility that can manufacture drugs and supplements. They collaborate with several government agencies and State Universities in the advancement of community-based supply chain. | BT PDEA

In picture (L-R) Bishop James Boliget, Committee Member; Rigel Gomez, President of BauerTek Farmaceutical Technologies; Richard Nixon Gomez, Chairman of BauerTek; ASec Rene Gumban, PDEA Deputy Director General for Operations; and Dr. Rodolfo John Teope, Committee Member.

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