In the 14th Anniversary Celebration of the enactment of Republic Act 9710 known as the Magna Carta of Women (MCW) by Philippine Commision on Women (PCW), the GADtimpala Silver Award for Outstanding Gender-Responsive Agency and the GADtimpala Silver Award for the Exemplary GAD Focal Point System (GADtimpala AlaGAD) have been awarded to Department of Science and Technology (DOST), acknowledging the dedicated efforts towards achieving gender equality and empowering women in the country.
DOST Secretary Renato U. Solidum received the award, accompanied by the presence of DOST-Science and Technology Information Institute (STII) Director Richard P. Burgos, line agencies and other DOST Regional Directors.
The agency’s commendable efforts are evident in their practice of gender mainstreaming. This not only recognizes their remarkable accomplishments but also motivates other government entities and organizations to prioritize gender-responsive strategies.
“I commend the GAD Focal Point systems of Regional Offices and attached agencies. This recognition is a testament to your hard work and dedication in leading gender mainstreaming with passion and commitment,” Dr. Solidum highlighted.
“As one DOST, we will fight gender inequality to achieve the change we desire toward gender equality,” he added.
As the Philippines strives for an environment of equality, the efforts of DOST serve as an inspiration, proving that a concerted focus on gender mainstreaming can lead to changes within traditionally male-dominated sectors.
The recognition of the outstanding initiatives by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) marks a significant step forward in realizing the country’s vision of a more inclusive and equitable society. (PR)