Cabarroguis, Quirino – DOST Region 02 thru the Provincial Science and Technology Office Quirino searches Grass Innovations for GRIND Project in partnership with the Local Government Unit of Cabarroguis.

Ms. Rowena Guzman, Science Research Specialist II and GRIND focal person discussed the GRIND PROGRAM to processors and manufactures from the 17 barangays of Cabarroguis.

The GRIND program or Grassroots thru Science Technology and Innovation for Inclusive Development aims to provide opportunities for overall growth by utilising community led-solutions geared for sustainable development.
To identify GI, Ms. Guzman conducted a focus group discussion to identify current products made by “kailyan” to be assessed for possible GI and were validated thru Saliklakbay.
Meanwhile, Ms. Lhea V. Seculles discussed DOST Programs and Project to further enlighten the participants on DOSTs initiatives in the province.
Four possible GIs were identified for the province of Quirino. (DOST R02)