To provide additional source of income to 25 Higaunon farmers and their families in Sitio Impahanong, the Department of Science and Technology realizes a citronella facility in the area. In partnership with the Local Government Unit, the farmers are expected to earn additional income during full operation of the facility in November this year.

Currently, the farmers own and manage a ten-hectare citronella plantation. The newly installed Citronella Oil Processing through Hydrosteam Distillation will be an alternative upland Livelihood for the members of Agtimaloy Farmers Association Inc. (AFAI).

This intervention comes with equipment, user-guide training, product development, business, and organizational management, and market-matching opportunities.
Mr. Rodolfo Senagonia, chairman of AFAI, extended his gratitude to DOST and LGU Malitbog for supporting their vision. “Bisag layo mi sa sentro, maayo gani kay ka abot diri sa among sitio inyong serbisyo,” Senagonia said during the installation that despite the remoteness of Impahanong, he is thankful that the government’s assistance has reached them.
Citronella grass is among the few types of grass that thrive in the area. Before discovering the potential of citronella.
DOST Bukidnon Provincial Director Ritchie Mae L. Guno envisions the organization to flourish and aims that its success will ripple the opportunity to the rest of the community.
This project was made possible through the Community Empowerment through Science and Technology (CEST) program of the department. (Rashia Mae Deva E. Paano / PSTO Bukidnon)