Reforestation helps boost PH lumber production

The tree-planting under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR(-led National Greening Program (NGP) won’t…

Vietnam to decide on SEAG fate next week

The Vietnamese government now has the final say on whether the Southeast Asian (SEA) Games will…

China scores world’s 1st ever human case of bird flu

BEIJING – The world’s first case of a human being infected with the bird flu virus H10N3…

New images from NASA show Jupiter’s largest moon

CHICAGO, United States – The release of new images of Jupiter’s largest moon by NASA has allowed the…

Smokers court severe Covid-19 onslaught

Health authorities have urged local government units (LGU) to ramp up the campaign against smoking amid…

DOH-3 warns on prevalent diseases during rainy days

By Zorayda Tecson   CITY OF SAN FERNANDO, Pampanga – The Central Luzon Center for Health Development of…

Jabbers: Vaccination spells love for self, others

There was no hesitancy whatsoever when registered nurse Arriffah Nangco Areffuddin learned she can already avail…

PH partners with ADB, WB against climate change

The Philippine government has partnered with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in a bid to acquire…

MSMEs get P4.5B DTI loans under CARES program

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have already availed of some P4.5 billion worth of loans…

280K Albayanos complete PhilSys Step 2 sign up

LEGAZPI CITY – Nearly 280,000 Albay residents have completed Phase 2 of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys)…